Hi all :)
now, I'm trying to give my very own comment to this novel, The Lost Symbol.
Here's the synopsis :
"Robert Langdon is summoned to give a lecture in National Statuary Hall at the United States Capitol, with the invitation apparently from his mentor, a 33rd degree Masonnamed Peter Solomon, who is the head of the Smithsonian Institution. However, when Langdon arrives at the Capitol, instead of an audience for his lecture, he finds the severed right hand of Peter Solomon tattooed into a symbolic Hand of the Mysteries, and pointing straight upwards to the fresco The Apotheosis of Washington on the inside of the Capitol dome. Solomon has been kidnapped by the villain Mal'akh, who demands that Langdon unlock the Ancient Mysteries in return for Solomon's life."
I said "Man.. what a big, thick novel" for the first time. But, if you try to read this novel, you'll forget how many pages will you read to complete this book (if you love thriller genre).
The story is okay, I think it's good. What makes this book become special is the 'maze' that Dan Brown's made is wonderful. It'll allow you to guessing what will coming up next, what's the connection for the next event, not just that, I really like the 'noetic science' that this book tells, even though it's not the main problem.
The description of the events, places in this book is great,
and about the story, it's about mason and takes places over 12 hours in washington DC.
The title 'The Lost Symbol' is the masonist lost symbol.
If you a thriller lover, you must read this novel. ;)
9.5 / 10
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